Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

On 11th Anniversary of Massoud

The 11th anniversary of martyred Afghanistan National hero, Ahmed Shah Massoud, was marked across the country yesterday, starting the Martyrs Week to commemorate anti- Taliban resistance leaders like Abdul Ali Mazari, Abdul Haq and many other legends.

Vice President Fahim attended the main event held in Kabul. He expressed concerns about the post-2014 security after withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan, saying if the international community does not leave capable and prepared Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) behind, we will descend into chaos.

He also mentioned the upcoming Presidential elections due to be held in March 2014, saying if security situation remained volatile, turnout will remain low.

Another speaker, Prof. Abdul RabRasoulSayyaf had strong words for Taliban. He strongly condemned them for sending suicide bombers to blow up among innocent Afghans.

Sayyaf had a critical tone towards Government about dealing with Taliban. He said if some militants are hanged publicly in Kabul, nobody will dare to carry attacks anymore. He strongly condemned suicide attacks, criticizing Ulema and Muftis who have issued Fatwas in support to the acts of violence by militants.

At the 11th anniversary of a resistance leader who fought against Taliban to the last drop of his blood, leaders from the anti-Taliban constituency of Afghanistan still remain disunited in their politics. On the other hand, the efforts of Karzai Administration to negotiate with the Taliban for a political settlement to the conflict have not resulted in any breakthrough.

First Vice-PresidentFahim was talking of peace and unity with those who are fighting, while Taliban leadership has not shown any slight indication of such willingness. In contrary, Sayyaf spoke with more clarity about militants with a critical tone towards Government saying a huge exaggeration of fear has been made out of Taliban, while they are easy to defeat. He demanded some militants be hanged in public in Kabul to make a lesson for their comrades.

Meanwhile, an unpleasant incident occurred yesterday when a group of vulgar people riding on vehicles with photos of Afghanistan National Hero started a quarrel with residents of Pol-e-Sokhta in West Kabul.

A verbal clash and physical fight erupted, followed by aerial firing of police. Two people have been reportedly killed, and locals say they were shot by Police who poured into the area to control the situation. Kabul Police Chief Gen. AyubSalangi should ensure a proper investigation into the bloody episode that shows failure of police to control situation, rather they fueled the fire.

Ahmad Zia Massoud, brother of martyred Ahmad Shah Massoud in a statement condemned those who caused the clash and urged people to remain calm and not play into the hands of some elements who are trying to fuel ethnic clashes.