Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Authorities Fail in Securing Common People’s Lives

There had not been considering records of violence against the ordinary passengers in between the route from Kabul to central regions like Bamyan and Daikundi provinces. But recently along with the uprising of targeted attacks on civilians by Taliban militants, there have been frequent reports of violence against ordinary passengers passing the route from Maidan Wardak to Central Hazarajat.

Taliban during the month of July abducted five security guards who were later on indentified as students returning from Bamyan to Kabul after celebrating the Eid-u-Fitr Eve with their families. Following the several similar incidents, the Bamyanis marched on the streets of Bamyan in order to garner the attention of human rights' organizations and asked the government to take serious actions for normalizing the ratio of the route security.

The protests as a result of not being covered by the international media did not grab most of the attention of human rights' organizations and the security officials did not take the matter seriously. The silence of human rights' organizations and security establishments of the country encouraged the militants and resulted for six more passengers to pay the price of their life on the route.

According to local authorities in Maidan Wardak province, "Taliban assailants have brutally slaughtered six passengers of a civilians' vehicle in this province on Sunday, Sept 09, 2012." "The incident took place in Mula Khel area and the dead bodies of the victims were recovered on the high way in the afternoon of that day." An NDS official confirmed the report.

The passengers passing Maidan Wardak routes to central regions are usually the ordinary citizens who follow the route in order to make a living or for some other general purposes. The scenario has to be handled seriously, because the aims behind such targeted attacks can be of promoting the civilians towards racial and sectarian conflicts.

The state stability is already facing dozens of challenges and turning a deaf ear to such violence can contribute to the heading rivalries. It is the prime duty of concerned officials to take initiatives before the matter gets more serious and out of control.

The people living in central regions have been contributors of peace stabilization in the country throughout the era of war against terrorism and it is really unfair to neglect their problems and let them pay the price of their dedicated contribution for their country.