Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Latest Bigotry of Hate Mongers

The tragedy in Libya is condemnable in strongest words. The US Ambassador and three staff of the embassy have been killed by violent mob in Benghazi protesting against the insulting film about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). There have been demonstrations in Sudan, Tunisia and Cairo, where the US Embassy was attacked and American flag replaced with that of Al-Qaeda.

It is unfortunate that Muslims always react violently against some sick minds who try to achieve cheap fame with their bigotry. Previously similar violent demonstration erupted in the Muslim world when American pastor Terry Jones wanted to burn Holy Quran. Thanks to the White House and Obama Administration who stopped him from going mad. Now he has fired another controversy with the extremely insulting film, which was actually put on YouTube in July 2012, but came to public notice recently when Terry Jones promoted it.

The so-called filmmaker identified as an Israeli living in the US claims to have spent $5 million on the amateurish film. There seems to be any conspiracy-mind behind this plot to provoke inter-faith disharmony. The best is to ignore such bigots who want to fuel clashes and provoke reaction that often gets violent in instable Muslim countries.

As usual, Taliban were quick to take the propaganda opportunity issuing a statement that says the US war on terror is a war on Islam. It is a chance for militants to appeal to masses for their terrorist cause. Taliban statement said the production of film was not act of individuals but done with approval and direct involvement of the Government [of the US].

They asked Afghans to prepare for a war against Americans. Bigots like the so-called Sam Bacile only provide ground for militants such as Taliban and Al-Qaeda to further their cause among ordinary Muslims justifying terrorism in response to such insulting acts that provoke Muslims.

President Karzai has condemned the release of film saying desecration is not a part of the freedom of expression but a criminal act that has now badly affected the righteous sentiments of 1.5 billion Muslims all over the globe.

The Government must take all out steps to avoid any violence from ordinary people across the country in response to the film. Religious clerics should be mobilized fast to avoid any untoward incident on Friday, as militants will try their best to provoke people with propaganda.