Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Peaceful Protests against the Anti-Muslim Video did not Work out in Afghanistan

The protests all over the Muslim world against the anti-Muslim video which was posted on YouTube have featured the top headlines of international media since Sept 11, 2012. The video was initially filmed and posted in English language in July, 2012.

It had not attracted the attention of Muslim world as much as it got translated in Arabic and published on the same YouTube channel. Though later on the Arabic version was removed off the channel but it had gotten too late, because it was already copied tens and viewed thousands of times.

The protestors all the over the Muslim world have been claiming that the film maker has abused the personality of Prophet Mohammad. Since September 11, Muslim world is the witness of the many protests in which the protestors have attacked US government affiliated establishments in different parts of the world and have burnt US and Israel flags.

September 11: US embassy in Cairo, Egypt was attacked; flag torn down and replaced with an Islamist banner. Mob attacked US consulate in Benghazi, Libya; US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed. September 12: Anti-US protests took place in several Arab countries. September 13: Protesters broke into the US embassy compound in Sanaa, Yemen, amid clashes with security forces.

September 14: At least seven people were killed in demonstrations as protests had covered around the world. September 15: Taliban militants attack NATO's heavily fortified Camp Bastion over the film, killing two US marines. September 16: At least one person was killed in clashes between protesters and police in Pakistan.

Following a week of protests around the entire Muslim world, Kabul University students took out a rally of hundreds of students who were accompanied by many lecturers and professors regarding the anti-Muslim film on Sunday, September 16,. The students' protest in Kabul ended peacefully on Sunday, but the scene did not end there.

On Monday, September 17, many protestors who were shouting the anti-American slogans marched on streets in eastern areas of Kabul which finally, resulted around 50 policemen including Kabul's police chief to pay the price.

All human beings on this globe have the right to peaceful protests to reach their demands. Since the fall of Taliban regime in late 2001, the people of Afghanistan too have the right to protest for their rights under the constitution of this country.

This speaks of the development of democracy in Afghanistan where, historically, people have been deprived of their basic rights. However, the bad of part of the story is that protests in Afghanistan, quite often, turn violent.

The enemies of peace in Afghanistan come at play whenever people come on the roads to protest against religious issues. We have witnessed bloody protests in the last ten years and it is the time for the government to be extremely cautious.

 In February this year, a series of protests of varying levels of violence took place in response to the burning of Islamic religious material by US soldier at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. After five days of protest, 30 people had been killed, including four Americans. Over 200 people had been wounded.

On April 1, 2011 during a protest against burning of the Quran in the United States, a group of demonstrators attacked the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) compound in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, killing seven foreigners, including three United Nations staff members and four Nepalese guards. Additionally, five protesters died in the violence.

Protests that are accompanied by violence do more to complicate an issue than resolving it. Therefore, to save the life and property of innocent people from being lost, the Afghan government and its NATO allies must take every possible measure to stop protests - that are scheduled to be held in various provinces of Afghanistan in the coming days - from turning violent. At the same time, the US and other Western countries must not allow individuals to harm the ideologies of people especially the Muslims by misusing the laws of freedom of speech.