Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Tackling the Insider Attacks!

The recent killing of NATO soldiers by Afghan forces sparked up this repeatedly discussed issue once again. Last month, US stated to suspend the military training of Afghan forces after a number of their soldiers were killed as a result of "Green on Blue Attacks". Recent attacks might come up with even more grave consequences for the development and training of Afghan police and army.

Although, officials of ISAF and US Army have again reiterated their vow to continue cooperation with the Afghan government and Army, continuation of such attack might not be ignored and thus this cooperation might come under serious risk and jeopardy.

Till now, these attacks have only been forcefully condemned by the officials of Afghan government and Army but we still need more practical and effective measures that might bring a permanent and trustable solution to this grave problem. In case, this problem was not dealt with properly and if the training of Afghan forces was suspended or winded up, entire system of security and stability of the country will fall in danger and thus country might again be dragged into the reign of militancy and conflicts.

First thing to make sure is to make the process of recruitment of soldiers proper so that recruitees with extremist thoughts and intentions should be kept outside the lines of loyal forces. This can be better planned by the experts sitting in our Army or similar mechanism can be devised by the experts of foreign forces present in our country.

After this door is closed, there can be a good scrutiny of the in-service personnel of police and Army. Soldiers who are found to be involved in such an activity may have some external links to the extremist elements. Usually, people with extremist thoughts or ideas keep preaching and propagating their ideas and thus they can be easily pointed out with a coordinated system of internal intelligence. Such factors are needed to be pointed out and expelled out of the lines of forces.

There is also need of integrated series of seminars and education to our forces so that they should know about extremism and how it is against the true teachings of Islam. In this regard, services of religious scholars can be hired whose words would definitely carry more weight to the soldiers.

Some of these incidents are the result of irresponsible acts of foreign soldiers who at times kill or degrade Afghan civilians or soldiers which enrages an Afghan soldier and he takes the extreme step to avenge these. It is necessary that foreign soldiers should carry out their operations carefully and sustain the dignity and pride of Afghan soldiers and civilians.
It is hoped that concerned officials would take the above suggestions seriously to solve this grave matter.