Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Another Resolution against Iran for its Nuclear Program

Seemingly, the tense relation between Iran and Western powers is not going to let the light of hope glitter. The gap has become too large and diplomatic efforts are bound to constant failure. Anytime hope glittered for possible agreement between both sides, a side pulled back and once again all options remained on the table to end the dilemma.

On Thursday September 13, the 35-nations approved another resolution against the country. From 35 member countries only Cuba voted against and three abstained. The rest gave positive votes which is sign of global concerns about nuclear development.

Since the very start of nuclear antagonism, Tehran has always emphasized that uranium enrichment is legal right within the framework of United Nations' conventions. In fact, Tehran tells the truth. It has signed the NPT contract whose members can enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. Many countries who have signed currently use nuclear energy for electricity and for medical purposes. Meanwhile Tehran is an exception.

Certainly, Tehran has the right to enrich uranium and use nuclear energy, but its suspicious activities have deprived the country of this right. International atomic energy agency (IAEA) during its lasting involvement in Iran has never affirmed that the country indeed was following mere civilian purposes. Instead, frequently there are reports which clearly denote suspecting intentions.

Meanwhile, Tehran has constantly emphasized on peacefulness of its program and openly voiced out concerns about double standards of US and its lobby in the United Nations. It has never come short and pushed for its nuclear program with considering huge political and economic fallout.

This intransigence policy has set the country on an irreversible path. Any compromise indeed would be interpreted as retreat and burst up of its bubble-like global prestige. It asks for loosening of economic sanctions, the global community expects it to stop uranium enrichment indefinitely. Seemingly, international community, particularly Western countries are tired of playing games. For years that they were involved deeply in serious diplomatic talks, the result was a growing nuclear Islamic republic.

The brinksmanship and warnings have fuelled concerns in global energy markets, but military experts find the action with least possibility. There is possibility of airstrikes of Israel on Iran's nuclear plants. There are sharp opposition at the global level and every nation thinks that such an attack would prove consequential politically and economically not only for Tele Aviv but also for the world.