Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Syria; Battlefield of Heinous Objectives!

Increasing number of death toll in the war in Syria has become a continuous source of unrest and concern for all those who love peace and realize the value of human lives. Death toll has almost reached 30 thousand from both the sides. The war between the two factions is getting intensified with every passing day and it is feared that the monster of war would eat away more innocent lives.

This war has also destroyed almost all the infrastructure of the country and it would take decades for the country to rebuild itself. It should not be forgotten that nation will have to suffer a lot and miseries of this nation would escalate even after the peace is restored.

Syria became another victim to the Great Game of world powers that is based on making access to the resources of the world and to make military bases in the geographically critical parts of the world. It was said that people of Syria are living under a dictatorial government and they are in dire need of democracy that would bring more prosperity to them. But once the world powers started their conspiracies, the resulting conflict turned out more bloody and their dream of ousting the Assad's government turned out to be more difficult.

A war never ends with the restoration of peace. The anti-government militia which has been given the autonomous authority in the war against government will be a problem itself to be controlled. Moreover, if the new government is established, army, police and security setup of the previous government will be abolished and it will need years until a new setup of security forces is established.

With the country divided into different factions, the establishment of a unanimously agreed government would also be a challenge. Keeping the different factions of the country united and preventing them from conflict will also be an asking task for the new government.

It appears that this bloody transition of government will have no good effects to the country and the fate of the Syrians and would leave them with harm and destruction that would require many decades to be recovered.
It is necessary that United Nations and other responsible powers of the world should resist any furtive attempt of a country that is aimed to bring out their hidden and heinous objectives under the pretext of a democratic government or war against terror.