Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

President Ahmadinejad’s Speech in UN General Assembly

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as usual, turned once again the edge of his sharp criticism to US and European countries for what he said of "trampling on the rights of others".

He said that the history of human beings was marked with failure and pointed finger to issues like environmental atrocities, killings of millions of people in US-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, throwing of Osama ben Laden's body into the sea without witnesses and Zionist-led world media, asking how beautiful and pleasant our lives and the human history of mankind would have been without them?

He also lambasted on the current global order and capitalism which he viewed as system making the poor poorer and the rich richer. "Poverty is on the rise; the gap between poor and rich is widening", he said. "Then there is no doubt for change in the global order and fresh thinking; an order which revives human dignity and believes in peace and welfare of all walks of life." Then he raised the question whether a person who spends millions of dollars for election campaign thinks about public interest.

However, during his address, the US and some of its close allies' delegates were not in conference hall but his remarks did not spark severe criticisms as did his previous speeches in the United Nations General Assembly. His speech generally circulated around his lasting position on global order and global management.

However, he continued his slurs against Israel while talking in press like calling it uncultured, but the core of his speech was about his favorite subject, the "global order".

There also can be a second reason. He is not well-known for outspokenness and putting fingers on controversial issues. That is why this time his presence in the United Nations Generally Assembly and his speech was not much highlighted by global media.

In addition, as usual, Tehran nuclear program is another issue that he has to respond questions about. President Obama emphasized on the stance of US against its nuclear Program and issued stern warning. He labeled it as a threat to existence of Israel, security of Gulf nations and the stability of global order.

In response, President Ahmadinejad emphasized on the civility of the program and rejected the notion of developing nuclear bombs. "A nuclear weapon? For what? For what purpose?" Ahmadinejad said in an interview with the Associated Press.