Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

More Efforts Needed to Attain Stability!

Over the last three decades, governments in Afghanistan have collapsed all at once – within weeks or a few months. If the world failed to reach an appropriate solution to the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan, the current government will face myriads of problems to sustain stability and maintain peace and tranquility. There was civil war in Afghanistan in 90s after Soviet withdrawal.

This paved the path for Taliban to overthrow the government in center and extent its rule to over 90% of Afghan territory. If the West leaves Afghanistan without having resolved the war in here, there is much possibility of re-eruption of chaos and that would once again make grounds feasible for Taliban's return to power. The same has been predicted by Gilles Dorronsoro who is an expert of Afghan issues at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

According to him, withdrawal of international forces will in some respects leave the country worse off than it was before a US-led invasion that toppled the Taliban nearly 11 years ago. "After 2014, the level of US support for the Afghan regime will be limited and, after a new phase in the civil war, a Taliban victory will likely follow," he wrote in an analysis published this week.

Amid high uncertainty about the future of Afghanistan, return of Taliban is one of the main expectations of analysts inside and outside Afghanistan. However, Western and Afghan governments think the other way. In the next two years all security responsibilities of Afghanistan will be handed over to the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and NATO deems they would be sufficiently capable and equipped to stand against the Taliban own their own. If that will become so, then there is nothing better Afghans people should expect. But there is a very basic question: If Afghanistan is so, in the presence of about 112,000 NATO troops, what will it be once they are out?

The next few years are crucial and decisive for the future of Afghanistan. Taliban will intensify their insurgency to topple the Afghan government and most probably they will not pay any attention to calls for resolving the conflict through table talks until they are offered significant power in Afghan government. It has to be seen how the Afghan government will tackle the situation when there will diminished international military and financial support?