Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Unnecessary Disturbances Should be Avoided!

President Hamid Karzai, in order to honor Mr. BurhanudinRabbani a higher prestige in the history of Afghanistan passed an order to change the name of Education University of Kabul to his name during the first occasion of his assassination ceremony on Thursday, Sept, 20, 2012.Mr. Rabbani had been the president of Afghanistan since 1992 to 1996, when the country was plunged into a state of anarchy that led to the destruction of Kabul, the death of 60,000 people and the eventual creation of the Taliban.

He was heading the Peace Council formed by President Hamid Karzai to find the way for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan. Rabbani was assassinated by a Taliban suicide bomber in his house, in Kabul last year 0n Sept, 20, 2011. In recognition to his devotional effortstowardspeace establishments in the country and shouldering the responsibilities of the presidential seat during the hard eras of state history, President Karzai approved to change the name of Education University to Professor BurhanudinRabbani's name.

Since Mr. Rabbani had served as the lecturer of university and was the dominantpower in state's constitution establishments; the judgment ofrenaming the Education University to his name was expected to be appreciated, but the scenes in Kabul represent a total alternative of what was expected by President. It is almost for ten days that hundreds of students accompanied by their professors are protesting against the decision. "We respect Mr.Rabbani as a hard working and faithful political leader, but it is really not practical to politicize the educational institutes.

The protestors believe that such an act by the government will poison the peaceful atmosphere of universities where the students from different ethnics have gathered to study in a brotherhood environment." This is what the protestors have been justifying in regarding their ten days of marching on the streets.

Students in Education University have boycotted attending the sessions and have claimed that they will keep on protesting till the board is not removed off his name. They have been urging the MPs in the house to take action against the decision otherwise; they will never attend classes under the name of Rabbani. It is for a week that hundreds of students have been marching around the Parliament house with the banners stating the slogans against the government's decision.

Though, their efforts have not turned a positive result yet but some MPs like Hamid ZaiLali has appreciated the protest and has stated that it would be better advised that President should name his own village and townships with the name of his beloved political figures, not the educational institutes.

Though the decision by President is the sign of an effort towards enhancing a brotherhood among the nation, but it is better that such decisions should be made wisely rather than emotionally. MrRabbani is a well respected figure in the country.

His great efforts and activities are price worthy, and they have been intended to bring peace and tranquility. Therefore, disturbing peace and tranquility on his name is not appreciable. On the other hand, the students must devote themselves wholeheartedly towards their education.

It is really appreciative to see them protesting against politicizing the university but at the same time they must be very careful that they themselves do not become a part of a political game. In fact, their protests are political in nature, as well.

Moreover, it should also be kept in consideration that there are many other issues that are worth consideration and require the attentions of our government, students and the teachers of universities. Utilizing the efforts towards those issues can benefit the country in a better way than to raise the non-issues.