Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Gain the Public Trust

After more than thirty years of bloodshed, the people of Afghanistan desire peace and stability in their country. Peace is what they wish to gift their coming generations. But hate-mongers, criminals, extremist groups and problems such as corruption, poverty and lack of justice that do much do hinder Afghans way forward, have grabbed Afghanistan like never before.

To come out of such a condition, people have a vital role to play. At the crucial juncture where Afghanistan is standing today, the Afghan government and the international community must work to strengthen voices that are raised against extremism, war and terrorism. Without public support, it would be difficult for Afghan government and its Western backers to triumph over growing insurgency.

Common people who are peace loving are pivotal source of information of criminal activities. The ANSF must seek their help. Terrorists have been using Afghan towns, villages and cities as their hideouts. Therefore, in Afghan society, it is very difficult for security forces to recognize the insurgents who hide among civilian population wearing clothing resembling to that of local people. It is the common Afghans who have better knowledge about people activities in their districts. Therefore, they are important source of gathering useful information about insurgents' hideouts.

This year there has been a number of public uprisings against Taliban militants in certain provinces of Afghanistan. This establishes that fact that people are tired of being illegally ruled by insurgents who burn schools and cause development and reconstruction works to stop. Here is where the government should give a hand to the common people and try to alleviate their problems to gain more trust.

Public awareness program must continue. Still the Taliban have many people on their side. Taliban preach against foreign presence in Afghanistan, try to motivate common Afghans towards fight against westerners and do whatsoever it can to recruit more people into their ranks. This process will continue for many other years. It is necessary to open the minds of people and make them clearly distinguish between a democratic system and Taliban's rule.

Amid ongoing withdrawal and transition process in Afghanistan and knowing the fact that international military and financial support will reduce in the near future, the Afghan government need to turn towards people and address their issues to build more trust.