Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The EU Tightens Sanctions against Iran

In a meeting on Monday, October 15, the European Union foreign ministers in Luxemburg imposed new round of sanctions against Iran over its nuclear activities. Supporting the move, the United States\ said that sanctions were effective in isolation of the regime.

However, the context of the sanctions has not been released yet, based on reports, they target the banking system, trade and gas imports along with intensification of previously imposed economic restrictions.
It is emphasized that sanctions are aimed to ratchet up pressure on the government, but common peop the Khorosan Province. He also blamed European countries and the US as liars, saying that these countries were lying and will not uplift sanctions even if the government suspends its nuclear program.

However, Tehran has always been emphasizing on the peacefulness of its nuclear program but has clearly failed to clear the suspicion of the international community, and also resisted against demand for suspension of the program.

Now seemingly, the EU, US, and other stakeholders have become disappointed of successfulness of negotiation. They have become tired of negotiations and have reached to conclusion that Tehran wouldn't give up its program without crippling pressure. Yet it is not clear whether such sanctions may drag Tehran officials back to table with much flexible position or not.