Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Another Insider Attack

Insider attacks that have deeply concerned Western authorities, impacted the trust between Afghan and international troops and have put implementation of crucial training programs of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) in doubts, continue in different shapes and forms. Insider attacks have been launched by insurgents disguised as Afghan soldiers or police or by rogue members of ANSF and yesterday, according to NATO, it was an Afghan spy who executed such an attack and killed 2 US troops and 4 Afghans at NDS headquarter in southern Kandahar province.

Although later on, NDS spokesman, Shafiqullah Tahiri denied that the attacker was a member of Afghan intelligence, the incident establishes the fact that measures taken to counter insider attacks are not working and NATO and Afghan government must act fast before it is too late.

Yesterday's attack comes only a day after the surprise visit of Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard to Afghanistan. During her meeting with President Hamid Karzai, she demanded personal assurance from him that 'everything that can be done will be done' to prevent further insider attacks against Australian troops in Afghanistan.

Insider attacks and methodologies that should be adopted to counter them remained one of the top agendas at NATO defense ministers meeting concluded this month. "Whatever motivates behind these attacks, the enemy intends to use them to undermine mutual trust and cohesion, driving a wedge between us and our Afghan partners," Leon Panetta, US Defense Secretary told in the meeting held at NATO headquarters in Brussels. Last month, Hamid Karzai and Barack Obama, majorly discussed insider attacks in a video conference. All this speak of growing concerns in the West over insider attacks. But insurgents continue their deadly tactic that has taken lives of at least 53 coalition forces only since the beginning of this year.

The Taliban are achieving one of their main objectives through insider attacks - straining the trust and confidence between Afghan and NATO troops and harming the crucial training programs aimed at boosting the capabilities of ANSF. Continuation of insider attacks may cause the US to take certain steps, including early withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan and that is exactly what the Taliban want. After the withdrawal of NATO forces, the Taliban sympathizers hidden in ANSF may turn towards killing Afghan soldiers or police and that will be catastrophic for Afghanistan.