Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Malala – Rebirth of Bouazizi?

Today Malala, just like Bouazizi of Tunisia, is fighting for her life in hospital. However, unlike Bouazizi, it seems that her sacrifice might be wasted because unfortunately her society members are not unified like Tunisians.

The difference between Malala and Bouazizi is that Bouazizi revolted against the corrupt system while Malala became victim of the controversies of fundamentalist society. Salutes to Tunisians that they kept continue the struggle against the corrupt system and chanted, "We will avenge you Bouazizi", but in Pakistan, some leading politicians and journalists are confusing their nation.

The way they are fabricating pretences for suicide attacks similarly in Malala's case, they have started pointing fingers towards the coalition of Pakistan with US in war on terror, ignoring the fact that Taliban have publically announced that she was targeted for her efforts for education and freedom for women.

Some journalists have raised the questions that everyday innocent Pakistani women and children are killed in drone attacks but media is not highlighting their deaths. These analysts and journalists do not have clear evidence whether the people killed in these drone attacks are terrorists, the family members of the facilitators of terrorists or innocent citizens. Secondly, why always the dead bodies are taken by Taliban? Confusing attack on Malala with the drone attacks is basically a conspiracy to justify the heinous act of Taliban.

Pakistani politician, Imran Khan's statement about struggle of Afghani Taliban and phrasing it 'Jihad' is the indication of his political immaturity. Indirectly Imran is seducing the youth to come to Afghanistan and take part in terrorism. Would he like to give the same suggestion to Pakistani soldiers? And finally, why he is wasting his time in Pakistani politics?

It would be better for him to join the ranks of Afghani Taliban to enroll his name in martyrs. In fact, he has forgotten the atrocities committed by Afghani Taliban during their regime in Afghanistan. If he likes that model of government then Tehrek-e-Insaf Pakistan is wasting its time in parliamentary politics.

It is very regrettable that only drone attacks are irritating Imran Khan while the barbarism of terrorists could not appeal to him. The suicide attacks on innocent people and mosques have still not opened his eyes that what kind of rules terrorists wants to impose on Afghan and Pakistani societies.

Living in a Talibanized society, Malala dared to speak against the attacks on schools and the perils of fundamentalism. Imran Khan and Mollana Fazal-ur-Rehman, having strong support of their parties cannot even think of it. Many journalists are of the opinion that attack on Malala is conspiracy to launch North Waziristan Operation. Considering it a conspiracy to engage Pakistani army in Waziristan, they have started conveying their opinions by writing articles to convince Pakistan army to 'Think before leap'.

The mission of Malala is to create an environment where education and development can survive. Confusing the attack on Malala with Waziristan Operation will dump the results of sacrifice of Malala.