Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Insider Attacks – Major Concern on Recruitment of ANSF

Insider attacks within the national security forces ranks have created major concerns on recruitment process of National Security forces. According to BBC report, "Six Afghan policemen have been killed after an officer and a cook turned on them in Helmand." During the last few months, the coalition security forces have faced many of the similar attacks which have resulted in the suspension of Afghan National Security Forces Trainings by their NATO alliances.

Dozens of local police and Afghan soldiers and some 50 foreign troops have died this year in such attacks, prompting NATO troops to arm themselves on all patrols and the introduction of more stringent vetting procedures by the Afghan security services.

Official NATO analysis says about a quarter of rogue attacks are the result of Taliban infiltration or influence, with the rest being due to individual grudges or disputes that get out of hand. The killings come at a sensitive time for Afghanistan, says BBC defense correspondent Caroline Wyatt, as NATO forces continue to hand over responsibility for security to the Afghans ahead of the withdrawal of Western combat forces by the end of 2014.

The growing number of insider attacks on Afghan security targets or coalition forces has raised questions about both recruitment procedures and the trustworthiness of the tribal leaders who endorse each recruit, analysts say. Military commanders call these rogue attacks "green-on green" or "green-on-blue" attacks.

As the withdrawal schedule of International Security forces is getting closer and the anxiety of uncertainty is creating tense situation among the civilians. Afghan National Security Forces are considered the key factor of a peaceful future after the withdrawal of international combat troops from the battle ground, but the recent incidents of green on blue raids and the latest green on green raids are raising questions regarding the capacity of security forces after 2014.

ANSF is the only hope for Afghan people, but the current security situation is creating a real concern and the Afghan authorities need to make utmost efforts so as to put an end to this critical issue and guarantee a tranquil future for the people of Afghanistan.