Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Thinking of Winter Before Winter!

Last year, people were moved by the sufferings and pains of people who became the victims of severe cold, frost and rains of winter. TV channels, newspaper and radio programs reported that many of our fellow citizens died of the severity of winter in Kabul and many other provinces of the country.

As majority of them was living in mud houses or in tents that could not resist the continued rain and snow, their families were left without any shelter in the mid of the merciless winter.

The continuous hue and cry of media and awareness of public forced the government authorities to come into action for the rehabilitation of these helpless people. At the last moments, after a lot of loss and agony, government officials made some efforts to bring some relief to these winter-victims and the issue cooled down slowly.

At that time, many claims were made that for the coming year, necessary arrangements would be made in advance to avert such humanitarian crisis. But till recently, no such activeness has been shown by any department or ministry. It would be very helpless if these people were left on the mercy of weather once again and the rehabilitation work was started after the loss of precious lives.

From yesterday, the weather of Kabul and some other northern areas changed suddenly and the chilling air tolled the alarm of arrival of a winter that may not be any less in its severity comparing to the previous year. In Kabul and many other provinces, there are many localities and population settlements vulnerable to become the victim of this weather and not in position to face its severity.

It is needed that government authorities responsible for rescue and relief work at times of natural disasters should start their work in the earliest. In this regard, it should be taken care that such arrangements should not be temporary, aimed for a single season only, rather long-sighted steps should be taken that should solve their problems on permanent bases.

There are many foreign aid agencies that assist the government in different humanitarian works. The permanent solution to the problems of these poor fellow citizens can be sought with the help of these humanitarian aid agencies.

In this regard, there is a need of conducting a very good survey that should bring into light the exact statistics about the conditions and needs of these settlements and then good rehabilitation plan should be undertaken for which funds can be arranged either from government's budget or from foreign donors.

Government spends millions of dollars on unnecessary expenses like cars of ministers etc. These funds can be directed for a more constructive work of helping our citizens.