Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Eid, Police and Municipality!

Eid is the occasion that comes once in a year and thus everyone wishes to spend it with his or her relatives and cherish every moment of it. Government usually announces the holidays of 3-4 days on every Eid and thus people get full opportunity to enjoy every moment of it.

On the occasion of this Eid, the efforts of police, traffic police and municipality workers were really worth-praising and appreciable. Almost a day before first day of Eid, police and other law-enforcing personnel had been deployed on all the mosques and other sensitive areas of the city.

This effort of police did not give the terrorist elements any chance to sabotage the peace of the city. Similarly, policemen were alert on their checkpoints inside the city and performed their duties with all the honesty and professionalism. They were busy in checking the vehicles entering the city from different points and were present on their checkpoints to assist the citizens and control the disturbing elements.

With all these arrangements, citizens of capital were able to pass a pleasant and peaceful Eid and no case of disturbance or terror was reported from any corner of the city. For this, the chief of police along with all those who were giving the duties were praised by the citizens of the city.

Similarly, cleanliness becomes a major problem on this Eid as almost a million or more animals are slaughtered on the occasion of Eid. Very unfortunate is this, majority of our common people don't take care of the cleanliness measures and throw the waste of animals wherever they wish. In such ignorance of hygiene and cleanliness, keeping the city clean becomes a hard task. Anyhow, the personnel of municipality responsible for cleaning the city were active on all the Eid days and were busy in cleaning the city and collecting the waste materials.

This arrangement and activeness made possible that we did not see much waste material being left unchecked in different corners of the city. Municipality personnel also had their families and could have loved to spend these three days with their families and loved ones but instead they devoted their time in keeping the city clean and proper.

When there comes a problem, we soon start complaining about the different organs of government. It is necessary that we should also praise their good work so that they should be encouraged to continue this in future as well.