Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Elections and Transparency

The announcement of the exact date of upcoming presidential elections by the independent election commission brought an end to all the speculations and doubts that were lingering in the minds of many about these elections.

According to the commission, elections will be held on 5th April, 2014. This announcement is important because such announcement and following transparent elections would strengthen the walk of country on the path of democracy and would ensure the smooth and transparent transition of power to the elected members of the people.

It has also been announced that Taliban and other warring or rival factions of government would be able to nominate their candidates in the upcoming elections. This announcement has been made as an effort to bring these anti-state powers into the stream of democracy and dialogue. This is also very important as any effort to alienate the opposites would further deepen the gaps between the people and would result in more conflict and frustration.

European Union and other world powers have hailed this announcement and termed it as an important step towards the stabilization of democratic organs of government and also for the better management of country by the elected representatives of people.

This is also worth-mentioning here that President Karzai has announced his intimation not to participate in the elections because it is his second and final term and according to constitution, no one can be elected as the head of executive for the third term.

In the elections of 2009, there were many allegations of rigging and unfair practices in the election that made the entire process a bit doubtful and the result of election was not confirmed even after many days. Similarly, some practices like multiple-voting by a single voter, use of below-standard ink, mistakes in the electoral lists and the disappearance of ballot boxes were all against the standards of fair elections.

It is hoped that, in upcoming election, government authorities and organs would assist the independent election commission to conduct these elections in the most transparent manner so that true spirit of democracy should be upheld and the choice of masses should be respected. It is also necessary that the election commission should be given complete authority to perform its functions with all the freedom and justice.

Upcoming elections are almost after 18 months and it is sufficient time to make all the necessary preparations. If the preparations were made on time and the elections were held transparently, the stability of the country would further be strengthened and sufferings of people would be greatly decreased.