Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Violence against Women Has Escalated

Women are the most deprived section of Afghan society and Afghanistan is one of the worst countries for women to live in. Throughout the history of Afghanistan, women have been victim of violence of various forms – sexual abuse, rape, physical and mental punishment and now being used in launching terror attacks. Violence causes a significant number of Afghan women to commit acts such as committing suicide and self-immolation every year.

Article one of UN General Assembly resolution, 20 December, 1993 declares the term violence against women as, "Any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life." Such acts are happing on routine basis in Afghanistan and no significant measure is in place to counter them.

With all concerning situation facing the Afghan women, Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) talks of escalation of violence against women in the current Solar Year (SY). In the first seven month of 1991 the commission has registered 4,500 cases of violence against women which is more than the total number of cases (4,000) registered last year. AIHRC has expressed its deep concerns over the growing acts of brutality against women. Poor economic and security condition, lack of awareness, evasion from laws and other social problems are deemed major reasons behind the worst situation Afghan women have to face.

The Taliban era was the darkest for women as they were prisoners in their own homes and were not allowed to get education or be engaged in other activities of a social life. Taliban era, civil war, USSR invasion fuelled mental and psychological problems among Afghan women. Although ten years have passed after the defeat of Taliban and women participation in all fields of life has somehow increased, life for majority of women population has not altered much.

Taliban still continue to practice violence and their rules apply to all areas under their control and influence. In addition, a big portion of Afghan population has resembling mentality as Taliban which has resulted in the sufferings of Afghan women to become manifold.

For women life cannot change until they have the same rights as men in making decisions at family to national levels. Such a condition will never triumph in Afghanistan, unless democracy is strong and law and justice govern it.