Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Public Support Crucial for Boosting ANSF’s Morale

As the transition process continues, on Monday Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) took over complete security task of north-west Badghis province. So far, the security transition process has moved forward successfully and the ANSF has been able to exhibit better performance in keeping terrorists at bay in the already transitioned provinces.

The US-led forces are set to withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of 2014 and the Western and Afghan authorities believe that ANSF is capable enough to guard Afghanistan on their own.

There is no doubt that Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (ANP) have grown from almost nothing to a strong force for defending their homeland. Boosting the security sector of Afghanistan has been one of the top priorities of the international community and certain Western countries have committed to support ANSF for a long run after 2014 by continuing to train and equip them with better weapons, tanks, war crafts and technology.

ANSF is a source of great hope for the people of Afghanistan in regards of securing their lives. The vital juncture where Afghanistan is standing today, public support and trust play a very crucial role in boosting the morale of Afghan forces. Therefore, the people of Afghanistan must cooperate with their army and police not only to cause the transition process triumph but also help them foil terrorists' plan.

Over the last ten years, the Afghan soldiers have given every sacrifice required to perform their responsibilities towards saving the life of people against the brutality and violence practiced by the enemies of peace, prosperity and democracy in Afghanistan – the Taliban and other groups of insurgency.

It is only the insurgents' attacks that gain much attention but people normally neglect the successful operations of ANSF in which they kill and capture the militants who leave no stone unturned to take lives of innocent civilians on daily basis.

The Afghan people must admire the sacrifices of ANSF. According to NATO report released in July Afghan forces are dying at five times rate of NATO soldiers. A total of 853 Afghan soldiers and police lost their lives between March to June, government figures show, compared with 165 NATO troops, according to a tally kept by the website icasualties.org. That speaks of ANSF's determination towards securing the lives of the people of Afghanistan. The only way people can respond to the sacrifices of ANSF is by supporting and trusting it.