Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

President Karzai left for BDF

On Wednesday November 07, President Karzai left Kabul to take part in Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in terms of population. He was accompanied by senior officials, including foreign minister, Zalmay Rasul, Karzai's national security advisor, Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta, and the minister of information and culture, Dr. Syed Makhdum Rahin. According to statement from Presidential palace, he will also address the participants in the fifth Bali Democracy Forum which will last for two days.

BDF was initiated by Indonesia in 2008 to bring representatives of the governments together and discuss strengthening democratic principles and values. Participants will discuss advancing democratic principles in the global setting, focusing especially on how democratic global governance contributes to international peace and security, economic development and effective enjoyment of human rights. It is expected that more than a thousand people may participate in the forum, including representatives and heads of states from various countries.

In the sideline of the meeting, according to statements from the palace, he will meet his Indonesian counterpart, Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The two presidents will sign five agreements, including
"Friendship Agreement between Afghanistan and Indonesia," an agreement regarding visas for political and service passports, a memorandum of understanding for mutual counseling.

Currently, Indonesia hosts thousands of Afghan refugees who left their homelands and spent thousands of dollars to reach the country. However they do not want to remain or apply for the Indonesian
citizenship instead leave for Australia with the help of human traffickers.

Though hundreds have lost lives and engulfed by cruel waves of ocean on the way to Australia, yet till the recent policy passed in Australian lower house and upper house which imposed severe restriction on asylum seekers, Afghan refugees continued to go due to terrible economic condition and overruling uncertainty. After the approval of anti-refugee policy, thousands of Afghans have stuck in Indonesia and have no idea what to do.

According to reports, around ten thousand Afghans currently are in Indonesia and more than fifty percent of them suffer severe depression. There are reports about abnormal moves which are deemed as struggle for suicide.

Hope president Karzai discuss the issue of refugees with his Indonesian counterpart in order to find a solution for destiny of those refugees. Julia Gillard, the Prime Minister of Australia is also one of the participants. Hopefully, he also discusses the issue with her.