Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Pleasing News

The news that the second phase of first ever railway network of Afghanistan is going to be started soon came as a fresh breeze in the present condition of political, security and economic turmoil. The reports say that, in the second phase, the railway network would be extended from Mazar-e-Sharif to the Andkhoi of Faryab province. The total length of this track would be 230 kilometers.

On the other hand, the network would further be extended from Hairatan city to the Ewaj area of Tajikistan which would be 38 kilometers long. It is good to mention here that in the first phase, the network was established from the city of Hairatan (the Afghan city near the border of Tajikistan) to Mazar-e-Sharif which was of 75 kilometers length.

This track was opened last year and at present functioning effectively for the transportation of trade goods between the two countries. This track is being efficiently managed by an Uzbekistani firm.

Like the first phase, this phase is also going to be completed with the financial assistance of Asian Development Bank (ADB). The cost of this track has been estimated to be $ 350 million.

One of the main concerns in the completion of this track is the unstable security condition; however, provincial governor has assured fool-proof security for the project.

In majority of the countries of the world, railway system has been found to be very economical in the transportation of trading goods. This has also come as one of the most convenient and economical means of public transport inside the country or with the neighboring countries.

Unfortunately, Afghanistan never had a railway network that could have put its share in the promotion of trade and commerce activities in the country. The project of establishing a country-wide network of railway is a very optimistic and pleasing factor that would establish firm basis for the promotion of trade activities in the long run and would add to the prosperity and strength of country.

This network will also provide a lot of jobs for the people and would start a series of economic activities that would act as a fresh blood in the economy. It is necessary that government should focus its full attention to the said project so that it should be completed on time and after the completion, it should be managed in the most transparent and efficient manner so that it should be able to meet its objectives.