Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Allegations against a Local Police Commander

Recently, voices were raised in local media about a local police commander named Abdul Hakim Shojae from Urozgan-e-Khas district of Urozgan Province. Tribal elders and representatives of the province in lower house of the parliament claimed that he killed 121 innocent civilians and raped 8 women.

Obaidullah Barakzai, chief of hearing complaint commission in parliament, has said that some individuals within the government support him. He continued as saying that no administrative departments take the responsibility for his activities because he works for American Special force. Mr. Barakzai also emphasized that in total, he has killed 121 civilians and collected 40 million Rupees from people by force.

Talking with 8am, a local press with high volume in the country, Mr. Hakim Shojae openly rejected allegations. He clearly challenged the statements of Obaidullah and tribal elders from Urozgan, saying that if it is approved that within 2-3 past years 121 civilians were killed in the entire province, no matter who were involved, he will take the responsibility and introduce himself to judiciary officials.

He also said that some government officials have close relationship with Taliban. He named Obaidullah and said that he two times handed over the district of Urozgan-e-Khas and one time the district of Chora of the province to Taliban. He also blamed tribal elders who complained against him of cooperating with Taliban militants.

Meanwhile, he accepted that he killed five Taliban militants last summer which was previously assessed by Ministry of Interior. Emphasizing on his decency, he rejected the claim of raping eight women. "I am cruel against Taliban, not against common people".

Seemingly, the ministry of interior is under pressure as it is reported by some news agencies that arrest warrant has been issued for Shojae. However, it is not clear when he will be arrested and whether his case be followed without discrimination.

Putting the issue with some who know Mr. Shojae, the allegations of mass murders against him are hard to believe, instead bear sense of communal differences. Ethnic minority has been under continuous harassment and oppressions. Mr. Hakim Shojae is part of the same ethnic group.

However, it seems that he may try to avenge for historical sufferings, but considering the insecure atmosphere of the province, huge presence of militants, including Taliban, as well as access of common people to arms and weapons, Mr. Hakim Shojae leading a small group of local police is not in a position to embark  to such horrendous mass murder.