Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

More Security Concerns!

We have got used to hearing the beheading, targeted attacks on civilians, suicide bombings and other similar incident news. We are not being shocked hearing news of hundred killed and many injured in a suicide attack, because we have accepted that as of our destiny. We never rise up our voice and never march against such actions, because we have gotten tired of marching and sacrificing lives against such inhuman activities. But since Thursday, Nov 15, 2012, the bank robbery news in Eastern province of Nuristan has aired the most grabbing news which is happening for the first time in the country.

There have been reports aired on media that Afghan local police officers in Eastern Nuristan province of Afghanistan have robbed more than 10 million Afghanis from the Afghanistan Central Bank branch in Parun district. According to the provincial governor Mohammad Tamim Nuristani , "The incident took place on Thursday night after three Afghan local police officers who were in-charge of the security robbed the bank and took the money with them."

Whom should the poor public trust and refer to, Afghan police is one of the hopes that the people relay on after the withdrawal of international forces in 2014. Millions of funds are spent for building the infrastructures of police force, but the recent incident bank robbery by the most trust worthy segment of state is a matter, which raises question marks on a rational achievement of government during the last ten years of rivalries.

Since the 2002, the international community has billed around 460 billions of dollars to Afghanistan as humanitarian aids, but unfortunately due lack of capacity in government structure, the up most percentage of humanitarians aids are billed to enrich the power holders' bank accounts. Poverty excels and corruptions rule the state, these are the realities of our society that the people have gotten used to tolerating, but national bank robbery by the most trust worthy segment of the state are the new practices that we are experiencing after all.

Though it is for the first time that media is airing the robbery news, but to be more realistic; it is not for the first time that they are robbing the public treasuries and accounts. It is for decades that we are being robbed, but the wordings are different in reports. To define corruption, it is no different than robbing which we have long been experiencing. It is important that government authorities must take strong measures in this regard and must catch the culprits responsible for the bank robbery as soon as possible and let such culprits know that there is no room for such evil deeds in Afghan society.