Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Homage to Imam Hussein (AS)

On Saturday, the people of Afghanistan paid homage to Imam Hussein ibn Ali (AS), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) under strict security arrangements. Imam Hussein (AS) and his 72 companions were killed on the order of Yazid in the battle of Karbala in 61 A.H. He is highly regarded by Muslims as a martyr because he refused to pledge allegiance to those who had evil intention towards the religion of Islam. His decision to fight for justice is considered a guideline not only for Muslims but for all human beings.

"Never oppress nor the oppressed be." That is the lesson we can learn from Imam Hussein's (AS) sacrifice. When he clashed with opposition, he said, "Don't you see that the truth is not put into action and the false is not prohibited? The believer should desire to meet his Lord while he is right. Thus I do not see death but as happiness, and living with tyrants but as sorrow."

According to Imam Hussein (AS), life without justice is meaningless. We must live to establish peace and justice in all aspects of our life. If we cannot do this, there is no need to live. Following Imam Hussain (AS) does not mean anything except protecting peace and justice.

Only under truth and justice, man can live with respect and dignity. The human blood is sacred and no one is allowed to shed his blood. Just for protecting his dignity and truth, justice and freedom, man is allowed to shed his blood and undoubtedly this blood is holy and sacred. The blood of Imam Hussein (AS) is a sacred blood, because it was shed in for the sack of human freedom, dignity, truth and justice.

Imam Hussein (AS) is regarded as savior of Islam. He sacrificed his everything to protect the religion that introduced humans their true creator. If a nation truly follows the path shown by him, no one can damage its independents and its religious and cultural values. For the people of Afghanistan, who have been suffering the worst consequence of war and brutality, the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) has thousands of invaluable lessons.

The sacrifice of Imam Hussein (AS) has not only been acclaimed by Muslims but also by notable non-Muslims. The historical progress of Islam, according to Gandhi, is not the legacy of the Muslim sword but a result of sacrifices of Muslim saints like Hussein. Edward Gibbon says, "In a distant age and climate, the tragic scene of the death of Hussein will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader."