Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Avoiding Clash!

The processions and gatherings of Muharram finished safe and sound, with the plans of terrorists being shunned or avoided. The credit goes to the dedicated work and planning of Security forces that had made special arrangements throughout the country.

Two terrorists were caught in Kabul who had entered the city with vicious aims of carrying out terrorist attack on this sacred and auspicious occasion. Last year’s sad and tragic incident that left dozens dead had developed a lot of fear and thus the security measures were tightened and thus terrorist elements were not let to carry out any such plan.

This year, it was badly felt that the cooperation and understanding between the two classes of thoughts namely Sunni and Shia needed to be strengthened. There was a small fight between the students of Kabul University relating to these two groups on the issue of Ashura processions. Similarly, some television channels broadcasted programs in which religious scholars were found to be criticizing the behavior of other class.

Facebook and other social networks became the battle ground for criticizing others and praising one’s own belief system. This situation is alarming and necessary steps must be taken to unite the people mentally and remove the misunderstandings between them.

It becomes the responsibility of government to make the religious scholars of both the sides sit together and make a correlated planning on such occasions. These scholars should also decide upon a unified plan on how to carry out their religious gatherings and processions. It is then hoped that there would not be any complaint from any side and there will not be any kind of mental or practical conflict or misunderstanding.

Similarly, it is needed that the messages that are going to be transmitted by the religious scholars and thinkers of society should be devised and planned in a way that no one should be found talking against anyone or criticizing the conduct of others. They should also give messages to respect the freedom and rights of others and also emphasize on the cooperation and unity among the Muslims.

Afghanistan has just recovered from decades-long bloody clash that got its birth from cultural, ethnic, racial or religious differences. It would be very unfortunate if the nation got divided on some pity issues and we should again fall into the dark ages of war and destruction. In this regard, it is hoped that government officials, religious scholars, national leaders and tribal elders of both the sides would sit together and come up with a logical and acceptable solution.