Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Protest against President Morsi

It has been more than a week that anti-Muslim brotherhood parties and individuals protest against President Mohammad who is blamed of trying to tighten his grasp on power. The protest was sparked by his decree of halting Supreme Court. However, he tried to mollify protestors saying that his decree was for exceptional stage and aimed to accelerate the democratic transition.

It should be noticed that the Party captured the power due to lack of well-organized political parties. The National Democratic Party of Hosni Mobarak toppled by protestors had not chance to stand against the party.  During decades-long rule of the NDP, members of Brotherhood were persecuted.

However, Muslim Brotherhood could easily proliferate to the rest of countries and developed well in some countries but in its homeland remained under tight scrutiny. Its activities were absolutely illegal and the members of the party were not in a position to challenge the government. Any suspicious move used not to be tolerated.

In such a situation, the leaders of the party took activities under the ground which also did not remain unnoticed by the regime. Thus, key figures of the party have mostly passed their lives behind prison’s metallic bars.
When new generation who merely marched to streets to achieve democracy, accountable government and prosperity similar to rest of youths across the globe toppled the regime, there was no well-organized political party to exploit the situation and recline on the chair of power.

NDP was not put out of the mainstream due to its dark background while liberals and democrats did not have visible presence. When Mr. Morsi and Ahmed Shafiq went for the run-off, some Egyptians said that none could represent Tahrir demonstrators.

Therefore, lack of organized and well-known political parties in the country helped Muslim Brotherhood to traverse a distance that it could not cover for decades. The second thing was the public sympathy with the party. During years and decades when regime could easily erase the party’s leaders, people were unable to do something though they were thankful of humanitarian activities of Muslim Brotherhood. So, after decades when the common people found chance, they passed chance to the Party through voting in order to see what it is going to do.

It is estimated if it fulfills the expectation of its supporters, it will face potential challenge from other parties that will introduce to people a relatively open environment. This indeed is “prestige depreciation” of being in power. All fingers are pointed towards power holder and oppositions find better chance to improve their position.