Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Transport Problems, Again!

This repeatedly highlighted problem got tense once again. With the severity of winter increasing day by day and decreasing length of the daytime, sufferings of people to avail public transport got worse.

This is really painful to see people standing beside the roads, waiting for the public transport for hours, shivering in the cold weather. This problem gives birth to so many other painful consequences when school children get late to their classes, office employees arrive late to their job places and many other that have given birth to general panic and frustration.

Similarly, it is also against the dignity of all those who run after the taxis whenever there stops a car near to them and in some cases, they have been found to be fighting with each other to occupy a seat in the taxi. Especially the sufferings of women, aged and children are really painful in this regard.

No doubt, there are present some taxis that collect the people of different routes but in late hours, they also stop collecting the passengers and thus force the people to hire a taxi as a whole as in this way, they earn more than the normal.

It looks that citizens of the capital have absolutely been left on the hands of helplessness and there is not present any kind of relief for them for their transportation problems. There are present some public transport buses called, 'Milli Buses' running in different parts of the city but their numbers are very less to meet the needs of people. It is also said that number of such buses is decreasing with every passing day as whenever any bus breaks down, it is retired and no new bus replaces it to fill the gap.

It has also been reported that there are hundreds of buses being given to the country by the friend and neighboring nations for public transportation but these buses have not been brought into the roads and are rusting in government depots due to the numerous reasons.

There may be many companies willing to start a transportation service in the city as increasing population can make it a very profitable and attractive business for these companies. Whatever is done, government is needed to take any practical step in this regard in the earliest so that sufferings of people can immediately be alleviated.