Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Drugs: Is Afghanistan the Sole Responsible Country?

Afghanistan is badly defamed for opium production. The governments of numerous countries hold Afghans as the first people responsible for trafficking of drugs into their territory. Pressure is high on Afghan government for not doing enough to counter drug trade, poppy cultivation and opium production. But is it the fault of Afghanistan only?

Drug trafficking and growing number of drug addicts along with terrorism, outbreak of deadly diseases and economic crises put human lives on earth at great stake. Experts emphasize on preventive measures and rehabilitation of those addicted, as drugs kill more people than wars and deadly diseases.

Despite that, keeping in view the persisting concerns over poppy cultivation in Afghanistan, it is important to throw light over the latest developments in countering narcotics in Afghanistan:
High demand for drugs in regional and international markets, insecurity, lingering war, growing trend of narco-terrorism, presence drug mafia, unemployment, poverty and lack of alternative crop for farmers are important factors that contribute to poppy cultivation in Afghanistan.

Reportedly, terrorist activities in Central Asian States have their roots in drug trafficking and terrorists use this as their major fund source. In Pakistan too, growing insecurity and terrorists activities are, somehow, linked to drug trafficking.

Precursor chemicals are majorly used in converting opium into heroin and morphine. Since production of this chemical is banned in Afghanistan and in many of the regional countries, it is imported from foreign countries of the world.

Now, one can say with surety that poppy cultivation, opium production, its conversion to heroin and morphine and ultimately, drug trafficking from our country and its consumption around the world is not a one-way process and are caused by different factors. Therefore, finger should not be pointed at Afghanistan only.