Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Criticism against the Government!

There have been a number of occasions when the Afghan government was criticized by its international allies on different platforms of the world. These countries were not happy of the government in controlling corruption and using the funds effectively. As a result of this incompetency, the results expected by the international community in regards of the progress of Afghanistan have not been achieved.

In this regard, there has been a number of repeated complaints which included the incompetency of government officials in undertaking efficiently their duties, corruption in all the levels of government, spread of militancy and failure to curb this problem, increase in the poppy cultivation and indulgence of government officials in this business, inefficiency and inappropriate activities of security personnel and many more like these.

In response to these allegations, there have always been condemnation of any such allegation from government side and many a times, it resulted in a series of cross-comments between the two sides. Afghan government terms them as a way of hiding their inefficiencies especially the ones related to the killing of innocent Afghan citizens by the foreign forces present in Afghanistan.

There would definitely be weight in the logic and reasoning of both the sides but there are few points that need to be understood and utilized in a constructive manner. Afghan government needs to consider these allegations seriously and try to use them to bring positive changes in the government practices.

In the light of these points, critical changes can be made in the hierarchy of government so that efficiency of government organs should be made better. Similarly, those ministers or top officials who are not working properly or who have been blamed of being involved in corruption or drug business can be immediately removed from their posts. More importantly, corrective measures can be taken to uproot the corruption from the government offices so that this rampant and wide-spread epidemic can be controlled properly.

On the other hand, we see that a lot of work has been done in the last ten years of democratic government. We see that there are many countries in the world that are having firmly established institutes and infrastructure, yet they are facing numerous problems so the positive aspects of government should also be acclaimed and appreciated.

In the same way, instead of criticizing the government in public, government can be provided a path of action so that it should follow this path to enhance its performance. This harmonious strategy would be in the best interest of both the sides.