Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Violence Needs to be Eradicated

Domestic problems in Asian countries, particularly in Afghanistan increase with each passing day. Despite the human rights unlimited efforts in this regard, Officials in the ministry of women affairs of Afghanistan say that more than 3500 cases of violence against women have been reported during the first 6 months of the Afghan calendar year. Husn Banu Ghazanfar says that the violence has increased with more tragedies as compared to last year and increasing by each month.

In this regard, Suraya Sobhrang a member of the Afghan human rights commission says, around 70 murder cases of women and girls were reported during the first 7 months of the Afghan calendar year with beheading and other miserable cases.

Most of the analysts are with strong views that, generally the violence gets root from the family environment where the children are grown up. The parent's harsh and discriminated behaviors at homes are the root causes of today's increased rate of violence and murders.

Mothers grab their children taking with their hair and beat them harshly; shouting on them when they commit a single mistake. Keeping in mind the same behavior of their parents in early ages, they are guilty of doing the same to their younger sisters and brothers and even with their parents within their family as they grow, for no reason at all.

At the same time as they grow in the same family environments, they cannot tolerate a single error. They hit their wives hard on the faces when they make a single mistake, particularly when they are tired or a bit exhausted.
The parents nourish their children with extreme violence in their childhood in their family environment and know no better. Their children are already nourished with violence and unless the chain is broken at homes level, initiating with the respected parents, their grandchildren will learn the same.

It spills over into society at large level, creating every-spreading ripples as it goes on. Despite being steeped in political, social and economical hurdles, we must not choose to be continuously beaten with the hate religious and fanatic stick.

This is about time, our political groups and people at large stopped stocking up animosities with each others that serves no other than those with vested political and religious interests, fundamentalists and fanatics, including other unscrupulous global profiteers. As always, it is the people, especially those living on or below the poverty line, who suffer from these machinations of economies based on greed.

It is suggested that the political, religious and other democratic leaders all take time to seriously dissect the misinformation being heaped on them from biased quarters. They must think for themselves and for the good of their own nation to reach their own reasonable conclusions and join in peace initiative all together as a force, which is the ultimate demand of the time for the worldwide nations.