Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Attack on NDS Chief Could Harm Peace Talks

Assadullah Khalid, Chief of National Directorate of Security or NDS has been injured – some say seriously injured - by a suicide bomber sent by Taliban as their peace envoy. Khalid is the man who has survived terrorist attacks at least for two more times in the past five years. In October 2011, he survived an attempt on his life when visited southern province of Kandahar as Minister of Border and Tribal Affairs.

He was targeted by a roadside bomb in 2008 in the same province but he was lucky enough to survive. Khalid is said to be one of the strong supporters of President Hamid Karzai and at the same time an Afghan official who is highly anti-Taliban.

But the question remains solid: How come Taliban target intelligence Chief of Afghanistan inside his guesthouse? High profile intelligence officials normally travel, reside and interact with others quite secretly and under high security arrangements. The attack must have taken place because sometimes one must not trust people who he thinks are the most trustable ones.

Once again the insurgents have shown their strength. The attempt to kill NDS Chief establishes the fact that Taliban do have sympathizers even in the most sensitive organizations of Afghan government. Otherwise, planning such an attack is impossible.

In the name of peace talks, the Taliban are continuing to trick the Afghan government. In 2010, a man who introduced himself a representative of Taliban's so-called Quetta Shura and received plentiful amount of US Dollars from Afghan government turned out to be a shopkeeper.

Last year in September, Burhanuddin Rabbani, the then Head of High Peace Council (HPC) was assassinated at his home by a suicide bomber who had disguised himself as Taliban peace envoy. In the last two years, government says, hundreds of Taliban fighters have joined the peace and integration process. The same people have been found assisting the insurgents in carrying terror attacks.

Attack on Assadullah Khalid is to harm the process of peace and negotiation with Taliban. It might wash away the achievement HPC had recently made - release of Taliban from prisons in Pakistan and the fact that Pakistan has announced to assist HPC in persuading Taliban to peace talks. The reality that Taliban do not want peace talks has re-established itself and hopes that peace would triumph in Afghanistan are not very strong.