Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

President Mursi Stretches Hand towards Military

Seemingly the end of regime of Hosni Mobarak was not the end of authoritarianism and uncertainty, instead the start of new round of social and political disorder and chaos. President Mursi once again has stretched hands towards military and authorized it to arrest amidst growing concerns over continuing demonstrations and struggle to postpone the date of referendum on draft of constitution.

While the referendum is scheduled to be held on Dec. 15, within few coming days, yet oppositions strongly resist and try to ratchet up pressure on government to reschedule the date, and also develop a much secular constitution. They claim that the draft developed by Muslim Brotherhood-dominated parliament does not represent all Egyptians.

Secular and liberal wings claim that the draft does not represent all layers and sectors of Egyptians and is instead based on Islamist agenda. They want that the constitution should be secular and represent all Egyptians which is the very mechanism that would lead the country towards democracy.

However, president Mursi after his election as president promised to do all he can to pave the way for a democratic establishment. He often verbally clashed with military establishment and blaming top generals of trying to prevent the rule of people and maintain power in their hands.

He also rejected his opposition of trying to introduce Islam as political system and rejected the notion that Muslim Brotherhood was in pursuit of building Islamic government. But ostensibly opposition can trust him and some of his efforts win the blame.

Since last month, the country has rocked as tens of thousands of people flooded to streets to voice out their anger against the decree of President Mursi assuming sweeping power. Few days ago, he rescinded his decree which was interpreted as clear retreat to continue countering oppositions.

The move obviously was aimed to mollify oppositions and get them back to their homes, but differences on the date of referendum as well as the context of constitution have caused the situation to remain tense.

It looks hard to expect that he once again yields to demands of oppositions. It is likely that referendum will be held on prefixed schedule. Meanwhile he is aware of possible uprising and thus authorized military to arrest. The warrant has worried people that military may once again find the chance to interfere in civil affairs which definitely obscure the prospective of a working democracy.