Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Ankara Conference and Afghanistan’s Objectives!

The three nation talks starting from today in Turkish capital of Ankara is another of the political events that can have outstanding and evident impact at the politics and future of Afghanistan but for this, it is necessary that the view points of Afghanistan should be nicely advocated and practical and feasible path of action should be drawn so that the talks should be fruitful. Otherwise, it would also be another of the meetings that die when the meeting finishes and only the photos and statements of leaders remain behind.

The talks are going to be held among Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey. With both the countries, Afghanistan needs to consider few things very wisely. The relations with Pakistan plummeted after it was claimed that the secret hands behind the attack on Asadullah Khalid had links with Pakistan and President Karzai made a strong protest against Pakistan on the media.

We witnessed so many accusations and blames in past as well but all of them got buried under the dust of time. It is necessary that, this time, it should be properly followed-up so that any such secret and tragic event should be averted in future.

On the other hand, it is also wise to keep good relations with Pakistan because it is one of the most active neighbors of our country and still hosts millions of Afghan refugees. Similarly, the deep rooted trade relations with this country cannot be easily ignored and it would not be wise if we turn it our enemy. It is thus needed that we should tactically handle this sensitive matter and seek the positive cooperation of Pakistan and bring the perpetrators of attack on Asadullah Khalid into justice.

President karzai is going to meet Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in a one-to-one meeting as well in which the bilateral issues will be discussed. It is necessary that Afghanistan should try its best to seek the positive and extended cooperation of Pakistan for meeting the objectives of Afghanistan.

Similarly, President Karzai is also scheduled to meet exclusively the Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyab Erdogan. In these meetings, all the possibilities of improving the relations between the two countries would be considered. Turkey, as an influential country of Muslim world and an important member of NATO-led ISAF forces in Afghanistan, can play very vital role in changing the fate of Afghanistan and Afghan government should work hard to turn it as one of its closest allies.