Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Gun Control a US’s Dilemma!

Adam Lanza was 20 years old who took his own life after taking those of 20 children and six adults. Adam Lanza killed his mother Nancy Lanza, in her home by shooting in the face before he assaulted on the school. The horrendous incidence that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut aired several questions about unchecked gun accessibility in US.

The President Barack Obama after being informed of the horrendous incidence took to the airwaves, tear up offering condolences and urged the need of meaningful action combating gun violence. A great display of unity was demonstrated by Americans renouncing the vicious act. Warm sentiments of solidarity were expressed to families of victims in particular and American nation in general by world leaders.

However, silence prevails on asking for hunting rifles and other types of weapons to be banned. America is a country in which many people own guns, weapons which will not simply disappear with the wave of a legislative baton. With hundreds of millions of firearms already in the possession of Americans, limiting access to guns or limiting gun sales would be a major enforcement challenge.

According to the Congressional Research Service, in 2009 there were an estimated 310 million firearms in the United States (excluding weapons on military bases), of which 114 million were handguns, 110 million were rifles, and 86 million were shotguns.
A separate calculation by the Government Accountability Office estimated that 118 million handguns were available for sale to, or were possessed by, civilians in the United States in 2010.

It's impossible to know for certain how many guns are in private hands because there is no central firearms registry. The 1986 McClure-Volkmer Act forbids the federal government from establishing any "system of registration of firearms, firearm owners, or firearms transactions or distribution." And the 1993 Brady Act prohibits the establishment of any electronic registry of firearms, firearms owners, or firearms transactions.

The proportionate ease of firearms access has multiplied the murder and suicide rate. Multiple studies have shown that gun control leads to a significant decline in violence. As we have seen in Afghanistan, when people have easy access to weaponry they will invariably use it for violent means. Gun control has long been among the most controversial issues in American politics.

Unluckily the gun lobby in US is really strong, making it unlikely to prompt US politicians into action. It will take extraordinarily bold step to move the debate on the issue. Getting the most dangerous weapons off the streets should be a first priority. Otherwise, there is no point mourning over a national tragedy if everyone is just going to return to their normal lives without doing anything to fix the problem.