Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Insecurity the Biggest Obstacle to Development Projects

Decades of war has resulted in mass destruction of Afghanistan's economical infrastructure. If there had not been war, Afghanistan would have significantly developed in all areas including economy. But USSR invasion, civil war, and Taliban regime did much to ruin this country. Since the ouster of Taliban from power in 2001, Afghanistan is reconstructing and developing with the support from international community. Nevertheless, challenges remain solid that do not allow smooth progress in this country.

Hundreds of development projects have either remained incomplete or merely as plans on papers. Taliban, the main insurgent group, pose grave threats to implementation of development projects. They have been involved in abducting and slaughtering people working on projects such as construction of highways, bridges, schools or hospitals. They do not spare even the laborers.

An example is the Kabul-Kandahar highway where almost all bridges have been blown up by planting IEDs. Another example is the Kabul-Bamiyan highway that remains unconstructed for the last ten years and the government says it is unable to initiate work on it due to severe security threats.

Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, Head of Commission for Transition Process has termed 'insecurity' as the biggest hurdle for execution of development projects. According to him, people are living in completely uncertain environment where they do not know where to go. There is no framework for improving the security condition and without that equal development cannot take place.

As security responsibilities of more than half of Afghanistan goes under ANA and ANP, providing satisfactory security to the people and infrastructural projects falls in doubts. The US-led troops are withdrawing from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Insurgent's strength may grow, if proper measures are not taken by the Afghan government and its western backers. The little development in Afghanistan's various sectors is at the risk of being lost as future stability of this country remains highly uncertain.

For Afghanistan to develop, it needs to reconstruct and improve its economic infrastructures. For that it needs remove the biggest constraint of insecurity or else it would take generations for Afghans to come out of the grave condition they are facing.