Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

New Businesses and Difficulties

China, Dubai, Singapore and many other countries or states of world prospered with ever-increasing investment. These investments brought foreign exchange, improved the infrastructure of country, many industries were established and people got jobs and there came general prosperity in the country.

In order to make this happen, these countries made special arrangements to attract investors and industrialists from different parts of the world. They decreased their tax rates, made the process of registration and documentation very easy, provided free or very cheap lands for factories and other business setups, made custom laws and regulations very flexible, provided them with good infrastructure of roads and communication, made the energy easily and cheaply available and many more.

As a result, industrialists and investors poured from different parts of the world and there started a great economic activity that changed the fate of these countries and now they enjoy the status of being one of the most developed countries of the world.

The above strategy is especially important for a country that is looking to expand and grow. Afghanistan is one of the countries that are in dire need of foreign investments because three decades of war completely destroyed the industries of the country and local production of country is very less and it is the reason why, we import goods of billions of dollars from our neighboring and different countries of the world which eats away the major part of our foreign exchange.

In such a situation, it was needed that the government should have taken all the possible steps to make the investments easy and profitable so that more and more industries could have been established and more job opportunities could have been developed but unfortunately, it has been reported that Afghanistan is one of the countries of the world where starting and doing a business is very difficult.

There are some factors that cannot be controlled very easily like less availability of energy, insecurity and others but there are many other problems that can be easily controlled and have been found to be created by the government authorities.

First big problem is to get permission to start a new business and the legal procedures and documentations are so difficult that the investor thinks of winding up the business before it is started. The procedure in this regard is so lengthy and complicated that the investor is sent to so many offices where his work is unnecessarily hindered and the work moves forward only if he agrees to pay some bribe or takes the services of ‘Commission Agents’ who are the more organized setup of giving and taking bribe.

It is necessary that concerned ministries should check these factors especially AISA that is famous for creating innumerable obstacles for new businesses and investments. The procedures and legal documentations should be made easy and incentives should be announced for new investors. Such steps are direly needed for the development of the country.