Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

The Dark Clouds of Uncertainty!

Though throughout the last decade, billions of aid dollars have flowed into Afghanistan, and thousands of foreign soldiers and tens of thousands of civilians have died during the effort to bring peace and a modicum of prosperity to the country, majority of the people are hopeless about the future.

They are very worried about their fate in the future as they cannot trust the capability of the government in terms of security control and they are not sure what will really happen after the international community's abandonment.

Following the withdrawal schedule of U.S from Afghanistan, the U.S military commanders in the National Press Club in Washington said that the Afghan forces are now on the track to take the lead to maintain good security situation for the entire country.

In the meantime, after his visit to Kabul Panetta said that he consulted with the top U.S commanders, including the Afghan officials about troop's withdrawal plans from Afghanistan. The U.S Military Commander also added that President Karzai would come to Washington next month to meet with President Obama to discuss about the U.S and Afghan government's responsibilities and cooperation after 2014; the focus will be the number and role of US troops after withdrawal.

In this regard, President Karzia has also said that there are some rules and laws for the remaining U.S troops in Afghanistan to be discussed with President Obama. But Panetta says that President Obama has his own set of priorities in negotiating a postwar U.S role after December 2014.

However, the schedule for the U.S troops' withdrawal has already affected the ground before the complete departure from Afghanistan. There have been more than 2,000 American military casualties during this year. In the first six months of 2012 alone, more than 3,000 civilians were killed or injured, according to United Nation's report. Insurgents were responsible for 80 percent of the civilian casualties.

According to world's top think tanks, based on the current ground realities, plagued by factionalism and corruption, Afghanistan seems far from ready to assume responsibility for security when U.S. and NATO forces withdraw in 2014. It still depends on Afghan government's capability that to what extend it is able to maintain peace in the country after 2014. But there is still one thing that scared the whole nation that how the government would be able to maintain peace in the country since it still depends on foreign countries for the fund of its troops and other expenses.