Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Afghans Die to Access Better Life

The Afghan government admits to the fact that Afghans do not feel safe and secure in their own country. More than three decades have past but unfortunately, the people of Afghanistan face grave violence, war and conflict. News of terror activities that take lives of innocent Afghans run on national and international media almost on daily basis. With the worst insecurity level that kills thousands of Afghan each year, Afghan elsewhere too face grave problems and dangers to life. The prevailing condition in Afghanistan has led Afghans to risk their life for reaching advanced countries of the world.

Earlier this month a boat carrying 30 Afghan immigrants capsized en route to Greece. The sea route between Turkey and Greece is the main route used for smuggling people to Europe. Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed the death of 28 people – all Afghans - who were on board. The number also includes women and children. Only one Afghan has survived. The Afghan government is working with Greece authorities to transfer dead bodies of drowned Afghans to Kabul.

This is a great tragedy. Such incidents have occurred for several times in the past and would happen again happen in the future. The Afghan government has no measure on hand to counter the problem of growing Afghan immigrants and asylums seekers.

Every year, thousands of Afghans illegally travel to various countries of the world. They try to escape the severe insurgency and lack of employment opportunities in Afghanistan. In the recent years, despite strict immigration rules in many advanced countries, the number of Afghans immigrants reaching Australia, Europe and other developed countries of the world has dramatically increased. At the same time, not only hundreds die in the ways but also there are thousands of Afghan living in inhuman condition in countries like Indonesia and Greece.

After the fall of Taliban government in 2001, millions of Afghan refugees returned to their country. But according to UNHCR figures, the number of Afghan refugees coming back to Afghanistan has decreased in the recent years. In the last ten years, security has significantly deteriorated.

At the same, more than 50 percent of Afghan population lives below or slightly above the line of poverty. Insecurity and poverty form the main reasons for Afghans to migrate at the risk of their lives. The Afghan government, although supported by international community, has been unable to bring about any improvement in securing the lives of Afghans and bettering their living condition.