Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Problems of Educational Sector!

Almost 11 years of democracy made possible the establishment and functioning of a number of institutes and organs of government which are essential for the functioning of democratic state. Although educational field was also given due importance, it still needs extra and preferred attention.

In this regard, the allocation of 15% budget for education sector in the present fiscal year budget is a bright sign and a positive attitude in this regard. However, there are a lot many problems that need to be addressed in this regard.

If these problems were not solved, it may jeopardize our national solidarity and prospects of future development and progress. In the capital city of Kabul, it is very sad to discover that there are many problems faced by this important organ of state.

Number of schools is still not enough to meet the needs of all the students that's why we see that state-owned schools are very crowded which has made an adverse effect on the process of learning and teaching. It is also said to hear that majority of students and parents are not satisfied from the majority of these state-owned schools and they send their children without having any other option.

Parallel to these schools are the private schools that are present in almost every part of the city and also in the other provinces of the country. Once again, majority of these schools are also not of the standard that should serve the needs of this war-torn nation and there is a general impression that these schools are functioning for earning money and majority of them are owned and run by people who don't have any expertise and experience in the field of education.

In such circumstances, the only ray of hope is left in the form of limited number of private schools that are providing quality education to their students like Afghan-Turk Schools and others. But the number of these schools is very limited and not enough to meet the demands of the public. Similarly, there are also present some state-owned schools that are functioning properly and thus they are also in great pressure for admissions.

It is needed that ministry of education and other concerned and responsible authorities should work to bring betterment in the condition and educational standard of state-owned schools. At the same time, it is also needed that government should provide facilities to those private schools that are functioning properly.

In this regard, some reputed international school functioning effectively in our neighboring countries of Pakistan and India can also be invited to open their branches in the country. This private system of education has benefitted these two countries a lot and same experiment or strategy can be adopted here.