Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Torkham Closure and Inhumane Incidents

Pakistan opened Torkham border on Saturday, December 29, after a 24-hour closure. The one-day closure was as a result of recent incidents on both sides involving citizens getting abused and tortured. Last week Islamabad complained when a group of Pakistani laborers were reportedly beaten and their documents torn by border forces on Torkham.

Later, a vehicle of Afghan travelers was stopped at Landi Kotal in Khyber Agency and passengers badly beaten, with their passports torn into pieces by 'unknown armed men'. Similarly some Pakistani truck drivers were reportedly beaten by Afghan Police in Jalalabad.

As a result of the closure, millions went to loss by traders. And 13 Afghan kids froze to death while their families were stranded at Torkham due to the closure of border. Thousands had managed to stay at the border overnight, in extreme harsh cold. As tragic and inhuman as it is, the incident must be followed thoroughly by the government.

A serious investigation should be launched on the incident that caused the closure and tit-for-tat responses on both sides. Those involved in the alleged beating of Pakistan laborers should be investigated if they behaved improper and beyond their duties, and strictly punished if found guilty. If those laborers had problem with their travel documents, the legal procedure should have been followed instead of torture and abuse. Meanwhile, in response, it is very inhuman that some Afghan families were beaten and their passports torn by the so-called 'unknown armed men' in Landi Kotal.

Pakistani officials say it was family members of the laborers who were beaten, behind the incident. But they were from Punjab, and it is unbelievable that their family members came to Landi Kotal for revenge after few days. They were certainly security forces in plain clothes who tortured Afghan families and tore their passports.

Both sides need to ensure that such incidents not occur in future. Ambassador Daudzai after meeting special secretary of the Pakistani foreign ministry Alamgir Babar has said both countries would conduct comprehensive investigations into the incidents and take necessary measures.

Such incidents have been often reported in the past. Both sides need to ensure the border does not get closed on each small skirmish involving citizens and security forces. But serious attention should be given to this incident so that it must be avoided in future.