Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Democracy Ends Despondency

Subsequent to the collapse of the Taliban, Afghan representatives and the international community gathered in Bonn, Germany to establish a democratic government for post-Taliban Afghanistan. However, after momentous assassination of Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaida's might was crushed.

It was thought of bringing Taliban into political sphere with disclosure of course of negotiation which is the essence of democracy, keeping supremacy of constitution intact and making them renounce militancy, terrorism and unconditional acceptance of fair prosecution in accordance to magnitude of human rights violation committed.

Democracy strengthens and despondency diminishes with all political stake holders and member of civil society taken on board, devising mutually agreed terms for negotiation with Taliban.

Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equally, either directly or through elected representatives in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination.

For instance, equality among human beings and acquiring opportunities based on merit are democratic principles. People receive opportunities and gain advantages through their capability, talent and skills in a democratic society.

But, all social and political opportunities in Afghanistan's political systems are based on appointment. People have obtained social and political opportunities based on their tribe, ethnicity or other relations, or bribe. Communalism, regionalism, nepotism, favoritism and all such ill-practices are hostile to democracy and lead to despondency.

Democracy is the latest, and the best form of government to have evolved within centuries. It has taken centuries of experimentation to arrive at its present position. But it is the only form that allows man to live with dignity and promises him all opportunities, develop his potential and justify his existence.

The nascent democracy empowered in Afghanistan should perpetuate and should be incorporated with bold initiatives taken in the greater interest of pitiable masses. There are certain conditions which are absolutely necessary for the success­ful functioning of a democratic government.

One of the most important essentials is a constitution which implies a rule of law rather than of men. Every citizen is granted equal right to pursue happiness, liberty and individuality, enshrined in the constitution, must be applied with letter and spirit, seeing as it curbs despotic tendencies of the rulers and safeguards the rights of the people. It ensures that there is no arbitrariness in governing people and members belonging to different groups are given an equal treatment.

Despondency ends when democracy flourishes in our country, given that the true essence of democratic values and culture, is understood, implemented and practiced, devoid of inequity of any sort.