Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Loya Jirga on Immunity of US Troops

President Karzai has said a Loya Jirga will decide the issue of immunity for the US troops to remain after 2014 in Afghanistan. Talking to media on Monday after his Washington trip, he said the security situation will be better after withdrawal of the international troops. He said the issue of immunity and number of American troops to remain after 2014 will be decided in next eight to nine months. Earlier in the US, he had told President Obama that he can ‘argue’ with the people of Afghanistan about immunity of troops and push for it. Talking with American press, he even assured Afghans will support it.

But on return to Kabul, the old drum of Loya Jirga is beaten again on this issue. Loya Jirgaism is utter disregard for democratic institutions. The people of Afghanistan have already voted their representatives to parliament, and they should decide on such issue. A staged Loya Jirga of handpicked tribal chiefs is manipulation of the issue for political bargaining and play with masses through.

The previous so-called Traditional Loya Jirga already approved the Strategic Partnership Agreement which included issue of immunity for troops. What is the need to call another such stage?

We have a parliament, Lower House and House of Elders, (Wolesi Jirga and Mesharano Jirga), why is the President preferring a gathering of tribal ‘elders’ over the elected representatives of masses? Besides the fact that constitutionally it will have to be the parliament to approve any such national decision.

There are reports that the parliament may boycott the call for Loya Jirga to decide on immunity and issue an official opposition soon. 

The Strategic Partnership Agreement approved by parliament should already suffice to cover the issue of immunity for US troops. American forces are stationed in many countries around the world. They are all with immunity, and no such agreement can be acceptable to the US without immunity, as President Obama clearly said in Washington.

During the press conference on Monday, President Karzai added that “a small number” of American troops will stay after 2014. He hoped Afghans would approve immunity for them. He also mentioned that Americans have given a document on the SPA that include their terms and conditions, which are not acceptable and talks are going on. The parliament should approve a resolution to request the US for sufficient number of troops to remain after 2014.