Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

After President’s Visit of US

With the conclusion of President Karzai’s visit to United States, different opinions and viewpoints were given by the politicians and the experts of political sciences in newspapers and media in which different aspects of this visit were discussed. But a general and external look at this visit brings into light some of the important facts related with the fate of the country and especially the circumstances that are going to take shape after the withdrawal of International forces from the country after 2014.

The first and most important idea that was repeatedly ascertained by the American president and other members of their government was the continuation of the support of United States after the withdrawal till the country becomes firmly established on its own.

This important point would bring an end or at least bring down to considerable extent the rumors and fear that were being forecasted in case the international community leaves Afghanistan absolutely alone after 2014, endangering the mere existence of the democratic establishment that was the fruit of sacrifices and hard work during the last 11 years followed after the regime of Taliban.

The next important point that was reached to a mutual understanding was the support of American forces to combat terror elements after the withdrawal and it was stated repeatedly that Afghan government will not be let alone to fight the terror elements. Although we are absolutely confident of the strength and abilities of our armed forces to completely secure the country from internal and external threats but even then there was a need of assistance in case the things got worse.

Main aim of this visit was to discuss and finalize the conditions that would prevail after the withdrawal of international forces in 2014. The number and authority of the forces of United States left behind were discussed in much detail and in this regard, all the different issues might have been brought into a mutual understanding between the two countries but, anyhow, no such agreement has been made public before it is given a final shape. Nonetheless, it is satisfactory to understand that both the allied nations are moving in a right direction to reach to an agreement that is very critical for the future and stability of the country.

It is hoped that our government might have taken a firm stance in these meetings to safeguard the sovereignty of the country and no compromise might have been made regarding the basic laws being mentioned in the constitution and the rights of citizens protected by the state laws. In short, this important visit and meetings were of extreme importance with impacts to be viewed for many decades to come.