Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Girl Gang-Raped in Daikundi

There have been reports of a gang-rape at the Women’s Affairs Department in Daikundi last week. Reportedly, a 15-year old girl has been raped by five employees of the department in the provincial capital Nili. The provincial prosecutor’s office has confirmed arrest of the employees on Thursday.

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission in Daikundi has confirmed that medical examination revealed the girls has been gang-raped.

However, officials at the Women’s Affairs Department say the girl had been sentenced to two-years behind bars in case of sexual affairs. Two men were also reportedly imprisoned in the case. A female official at the Women’s Affairs Department says the victim was brought there overnight to be shifted to Kabul in a shelter house the next day. In the morning, she accused five of the employees to have raped her.

It is a shame that a female official at the Department is trying to save those who abused Muzhgan. The Government should seriously follow this case and investigate into the story. It is not a secret that gang-rapes are often reported in far-flung areas of the country. In most cases, victims prefer to keep silence to save the so-called family social honor or from fear of retribution at the hands of perpetrators. There have been several reports last year when Government officials were accused of sexual abuse. The case of a Provincial Police Chief raping his subordinate staff has already gone of media focus, and no prosecution was followed by the Government.

There are many cases of rape that go unreported. People do not want to report such incidents as they are considered the matter of honor to be resolved mutually, without any third-party, the government, court or media knowing about it. In most of the cases we come to know that the rapists have fled the scene or could not be arrested.

One of the major reasons behind such increasing cases is that most of rapists remain unpunished and it has encouraged perpetuators of such crimes.

Another factor in this regard is that according to law for rape case to be validated, victims must provide four witnesses to prove the crime other than that the raped or victims are to face adultery charges. In such cases no one is ready to go in front of Court as witness as most are feared of the influence of rapists while many are beaten by the abovementioned law.

The Government is needed to follow the case in Daikundi and ensure justice to the victim and punishment to all those responsible, including the officials who are trying to save the perpetrators.