Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Awareness about Electricity Consumption!

One of the most important needs of the present day economy and society is the energy without which not only the functioning of the economy suffers a lot but the taste and color of the social life is greatly reduced. Many decades ago, when we were not much dependent on the energy resources, we could have easily managed our businesses and met the needs of our cities and houses with the available energy as well but today, we have become so much dependent that we cannot even think of a city or house without the proper and adequate supply of energy and this dependence is growing with every passing day.

Out of the numerous energy resources, electricity is the most important which is used for lighting the houses and cities, running numerous electronic devices and carrying out different activities of daily life.

We have become so much habitual of this important source of energy that we cannot imagine of surviving without it. If the electricity is not present, all the office works that depend on machines come to a halt, our houses become dark and cold, our factories and other sources of production stop functioning and even we cannot acquire drinking water when the electric water pumps stop functioning.

Our dependence on electricity became evident a few months earlier when the supply lines from the neighboring country had detached at a point and thus the electricity supplied in the city was less than the needs of the dwellers of Kabul and this created a great deal of frustration among the citizens.

It is also a sad fact that we are not producing electricity much enough to meet our requirements and thus a great deal of it is imported from the neighboring countries of Iran and other Central Asian states for which we spend huge amount of our foreign reserves. It was also brought into light by the electricity supplying corporation (Da Breshna Shirkat) that our citizens are not using the electricity wisely and their consumption pattern results in the wastage of large amounts of electricity.

Similarly, majority of the citizens are not aware of scheduled and efficient usage of electricity (like avoiding ironing and washing clothes in the peak evening hours) due to which our electricity grids come under immense pressure during these hours and at times, results in the breakdown or burning of a machine or device.

In this regard, it is necessary that concerned ministry or departments should educate the people of the economic usage of the electricity and they should also be taught about the scheduled usage of electric appliances at home. Our government runs dozens of useless ads on television and other forms of media and instead of those, such important and necessary ads can be given to the media.