Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Free and Fair, 2014 Poll; A Challenge to Combat

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Wednesday publicized its new voter registration plan for presidential and provincial council polls, rendering both old and new computerized identity cards acceptable for voting. Formerly, the Independent Election Commission had warned that the presidential election in 2014 will not be transparent if the older voter registration cards are used. The successive developments might have persuaded him to withdraw his absolute demands for computerized ID cards.

Amidst massive stagnant cloud of despondency currently prevailing in our beloved country, the 2014 poll, if transparent and legitimate, will turn a ray of hope for democratic and prosperous Afghanistan. The transparent poll requires pre-condition of universal issuance of computerized identity cards, timely up-gradation of old voter lists and appointments of impartial polling agents of high integrity, held under UN and international observers’ oversight. The old ID cards and registration lists, having enormous number of ghost voters, will ease fraudulent actions and rigging; as the former complicates the recognition of genuine voters and the later discourages ghost voters, imparting unfair influence on the results.

Holding a free and fair election remains a query yet to respond to and a great challenge for current government in office. Many international donors including US have laid down conditions to aid Afghanistan, linked to conduction of legitimate election. Senator John Kerry, nominated by the US president as Secretary of State, on Thursday said, “A free and fair election would be the key to American support for Afghanistan after 2014.”

Afghanistan’s weakening economy highly dependent on foreign aids might undergo threatening budget deficit and economical degeneration if foreign aid is disbanded.

A smooth transfer of power through free, fair and transparent elections must be ensured to avoid any crisis in post 2014 poll. The recurrence of identical issues of fraudulence might not only cause a deadlock but also an endless political turmoil. Such a crisis could derail the entire process and we could thrust into political instability and internal havoc much more seriously and threateningly than 2009.

Kerry said the US was working to ensure fair elections in Afghanistan. “On the elections, there is a group within the American initiative, within our effort in Kabul, working very hard on the sort of rules of the road for the election and working with the Afghan election commission.

A smooth transfer of power through free, fair and transparent elections must be ensured to avoid any crisis in 2014. Similar issues of fraud had caused a deadlock in 2009. Repeat of that experience will not pass smoothly next time. It will take the system down. Such a crisis could derail the entire process and we could plunge into political instability much more seriously.