Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Can Taliban Be Defeated!

The Taliban has changed its fighting techniques. Now it focuses on suicide bombings, commando-styles raids and target killings. In the last few days, there have several attacks in Afghanistan – attacks on a military hospital in Kabul, Khost Traffic Directorate, yesterday's bomb blast in Panjwayi district of Kandahar and several other acts of insurgency took lives of dozens of innocent people. In all these attacks the civilians have majorly and significantly the victims.

Whether this is the spring offensive of Taliban or the revenge of Osama bin Laden's death, such attacks in which innocents die are completely improper and inhumane. This also puts the functioning security forces in serious questions and proves the claim of ex ISI Chief, Gen. Hamid Gul as true. He has recently said that Taliban has parallel government in 75 percent of Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan goes on without any specific end time. If the government and its allies become somehow successful to counter one technique of Taliban, it switches to another.

With violence and extremism increasing in Afghanistan and Pakistan at a fast and consistent pace, hopes for peace and stability in the region break into pieces. After ten years of war against the terrorists, they are believed to be still at large or even stronger than before. At such a point, the governments of Afghanistan and its friends seem to have completely flying blind. This is specially felt in the efforts of government of Afghanistan to resolve the war in here through negotiation with Taliban or so-called political way. The Taliban has responded the negotiation offers of our government by increasing their offensive against the people of Afghanistan.

The international community present in Afghanistan does possess the capabilities to stop the violence. It is unbelievable that US and NATO with their latest weapons and with more than 300,000 troops (including Afghan forces) can not eliminate insurgents whose number is not more than 40,000. There is seems to be complete absence of political will for defeating the insurgents, otherwise they would not be so strong to challenge government and US-led NATO almost in every corner of Afghanistan.