Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Hats off to security forces

Afghan security officials said on Sunday, Feb 3, 2013 that they have arrested six men and seized suicide vests, assault rifles and more than 50 hand grenades during a raid on a residential building in central Kabul. Where and when the arrested men wanted to launch terror attacks, the police is investigating this. Nonetheless, such successful operations and alertness of security forces should always be lauded because they prevent loss of priceless lives of innocent people. 

The residents of Kabul witnessed terrible terror attacks in the city last month. On January 16, the Taliban insurgents targeted the National Directorate of Security (NDS) killing and injuring scores of people. On 22nd of the same month, suicide bombers launched a coordinated attack over the Kabul Traffic Police HQ as result of which 4 people were killed and dozens were injured.

The current arrests indicate that the terrorists had plans to once again launch attacks in the capital Kabul but thankfully they have not been successful. Kabul has been one of the top targets of terrorists. Scores of attacks have been launched by terrorist in Kabul over the last years that have killed hundreds of innocent people including women and children.

Taliban who pronounce themselves as strict followers of codes of Islam continue to spread terror all over the country. In the last eleven years, the people of Afghanistan have witnessed Taliban attacks even on sacred places such mosques and shrines. This establishes the fact that Taliban utilize the religion of Islam as a tool to reach their evil objectives. Our people must no more look at them with positive eyes and give a hand to ANSF to defeat Taliban.

Time has come for Afghan army and police to show their capability. The US led NATO forces are set to withdraw by the end of 2014 and there are serious concerns over the ability of Afghani security forces to stand on their own against the enemies of Afghanistan. Despite that, ANSF serve as the greatest hope for Afghan people at times when their country is standing at the crucial and decisive juncture.

The performance of Afghan intelligence and ANSF that resulted in the arrest of terrorists who wanted to launch attacks and kill the innocent Afghans indicate their growing competency. Nonetheless, they have still a long way to go as Afghanistan is entrapped by the worst security situation. Defending Kabul alone should not be the objective; people in other 33 provinces of Afghanistan would also need security against the growing attacks by insurgents.