Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Peace Deal in Six Months!

In the recently concluded trilateral summit hosted by British PM, David Cameron, presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan pledged to work for regional stability by accelerating efforts to strike a peace deal with Afghan Taliban. Both Mr. Cameron and Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari have announced their support for an Afghan-led peace process and opening of an office for Taliban that could facilitate talks between them and the High Peace Council (HPC).

After HPC’s last visit to Islamabad as a result of which the Pakistani government released scores of Taliban prisoners, except Mullah Abul Ghani Bradar – Taliban’s second in command, the current summit can be deemed another step forward in the peace and reconciliation program. In the summit President Hamid Karzai once again called upon the Taliban to participate in the peace process. Nonetheless, the Taliban is yet to formally announce their participation in the process. That is a very crucial announcement that the government of Afghanistan is waiting for since long. Also, before any serious talks, cease fire between Taliban and Afghan government is must.

As the time for withdrawal of NATO troops is approaching fast, the West is bolstering support for peace and reconciliation process deeming it an appropriate way to end their war in Afghanistan. Success of peace efforts is the only way that can allow the western troops withdraw confidently from Afghanistan.  

The significant but more surprising point that came out of the summit is that the Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari said they would work together to reach a peace deal for Afghanistan in six months. If such a deal is made possible within that short period of time, then that should be music in the ears of Afghan people. However, according to a roadmap for peace by HPC available on the World Wide Web, complete peace deal with Taliban will occur in 2015.

Based on the views expressed by Afghan authorities, Pakistan has changed its mindset towards Afghanistan and now sincerely cooperates to facilitate a peace deal between the Afghan government and the Taliban. Recent release of Taliban prisoners by Pakistani government, according to them, is a proof of change in its intentions. Pakistan role is being considered as very crucial for the success of peace process.